Planned Giving

Planned Giving

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

Although we raise money in a number of ways, by far the most reliable and important is planned, regular giving. The work of the church continues day by day, week by week, month by month – and it has to be paid for on this basis.

There are a number of ways in which to give regularly, as set out below. There is no minimum to the amount that can be given.


The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS): This is our preferred method.

The PGS is a new scheme, administered by the Diocese, which will provide St Mary’s with some significant benefits over our current ways of regular giving. Donations made through the PGS use a Direct Debit and can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. The full donation, plus any associated Gift Aid (see below), comes straight back to St Mary’s, saving much administration time. There is also a popular ‘inflation option’ by which your giving is adjusted (with your agreement) each year so that it becomes ‘inflation proofed’. Donations made in this way can be made anonymously.

For those who like to partake in the placing of a donation in the collection plate, PGS tokens are available. For more information about the PGS, please contact the Treasurer, Rosy Telford on 01444 811746 or at The Knoll, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, West Sussex RH17 6LG.


By Standing Order: A standing order sets up a regular payment from your bank account to St Mary’s. You can set up a standing order by telephone banking or internet banking, if you are registered for them (though it’s helpful if you can let the PCC treasurer know that you have done so), or by completing the attached form.










All of the above ways of donating can be Gift-Aided. Gift Aid is a scheme by which we can claim from the Government a further 25% of the value of donations received from UK tax payers. If you are a higher or additional rate taxpayer, you can benefit from some further tax relief via your self-assessment tax return. Please complete the attached Gift Aid form if you can.

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