Volunteering at St Mary's

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.  To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”  (Corinthians 12:4-7)


Stewardship is what we are called to do as children of God. It involves the giving of time and talents as well as finances to help support the church community of which we are a part.  

St Mary’s is very fortunate in having many people who generously offer their time, energy, creativity, friendship and support to the Church. This support is very much appreciated and essential to our future. There is a wide variety of roles within the life of the church and we always welcome new help, whatever skill you have and whatever amount of time you can offer. 

Below is a list of suggested areas in which you can help.  Please consider what you might do.

  • Prayer for St Mary’s
  • Welcomers on a rota
  • Duty warden on a rota
  • Reading in church on a rota and/or special occasions
  • Leading Intercessions/Prayers on a rota
  • Offertory on a rota
  • Assisting with Communion Chalice on a rota with training
  • Server at Communion on a rota
  • Refreshments after services on a rota
  • Sunday Club on a rota on 3rd Sunday
  • Pathfinders (after school club) on a Monday
  • Locus (youth group) on first Friday evening each month
  • Nursery Praise (midweek) as advertised on a Wednesday afternoon
  • Planning Family Service held on 1st Sunday
  • Support for children’s work outside of actual sessions
  • Families who could take part in Family Service
  • Helping with stewardship and church giving
  • Helping with charity giving
  • Visiting housebound/elderly/sick
  • Providing transport to church
  • Opening the church during the week
  • Helping with catering for special events
  • Helping with fundraising and other events
  • Church flower arranging
  • Singing with the Choir – meet on a Friday evening most weeks for Sunday services
  • Singing for weddings/funerals and special services
  • Playing musical instrument for services/groups
  • Bell ringing – meet on a Tuesday evening and ringing from 9.30-10.00am on Sundays
  • Parochial Church Council – meets 6 times per year on a weekday evening
  • Church cleaning including brass on a rota
  • Churchyard maintenance
  • Helping with special events (ad hoc)
  • Administration (ad hoc)
  • Parish Magazine production once per month – preparation and/or printing
  • Maintaining the notice boards in and outside the church
  • Friends of St Mary’s
  • British Legion – various roles/involvement


If you would like to help with any of the above, or would like more information, please speak to the Church Wardens (01444 811304/01444 811739) or contact Fr David.  Training and support will be given where applicable.

“Your talent is God’s gift to you, how you use it is your gift to God”

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